API Authentication with Guardian
• elixir and guardian
Update: 30-08-20 updated for the 0.6.0 API
Over my last couple of posts I’ve talked about getting started, permissions and simple email/password auth. It occured to me that I haven’t covered how to do an API authentication.
Part of the beauty of using JWT is that they have an expiry time built into them. In my examples I typically expire them in 30 days, but you can configure (or overwrite) this to be any value.
So we’ve added Guardian, created a user and we so far have the ability to create a ‘login’ where they’re logged into the session, but what about API endpoints.
One thing that Guardian can do easily is authenticate your application for API endpoints. Lets take a quick look at how that works.
In your router, add:
pipeline :api do
plug :accepts, ["json"]
plug Guardian.Plug.VerifyHeader
plug Guardian.Plug.LoadResource
scope "/api/v1", PhoenixGuardian.Api.V1 do
pipe_through [:api]
resources "/users", UserController
The verify authorization plug will check the Authorization header for a token, and the LoadResource one will load any resource found there.
Ok, so now protecting your API endpoints is just like your web endpoints:
# web/controllers/api/v1/user_controller.ex
defmodule PhoenixGuardian.Api.V1.UserController do
use PhoenixGuardian.Web, :controller
alias PhoenixGuardian.User
alias PhoenixGuardian.SessionController
plug Guardian.Plug.EnsureAuthenticated, on_failure: { SessionController, :unauthenticated_api }
# …
def index(conn, _params) do
users = Repo.all(User)
json(conn, %{ data: users, current_user: Guardian.Plug.current_resource(conn) })
# …
The interaction with API clients is just the same as web session clients. I’ve used a different failure method in my SessionController, but other than this the token is fine.
How do I get my token?
So far, we’ve only used the sign_in
function on Guardian.Plug.
This is great for web pages but not quite enough for APIs. Lets
have a look at how to get a token:
user = Repo.get(User, 1)
{ :ok, jwt, full_claims } = Guardian.encode_and_sign(user, :api)
This will generate a JWT that you can provide to your client, valid for the configured ttl. Once you get to the controller it’s the same API as the browser based authentication.
Your client can hand it in via the “Authorization” header.
Authorization: <jwt>
For bonus points, you can also use it for channel authentication!