Stuff 'n Things

Simple email password Authentication

• elixir and guardian

Update: 30-08-20 updated for the 0.6.0 API

I’ve been head down with thinking about Guardian and how the far out cases it could be used for will work together. Service2Service, Single sign on, OAuth provider, stuff like that. It occured to me that there is a bunch of really easy to handle things that from the outside might look a little daunting. With that in mind, I wanted to walk through setting up an application for simple, every-day email/password authentication. Almost the simplest auth setup around.

A quick top level overview for the uninitiated. Guardian is an authentication library that uses JSON Web Tokens (JWT) as it’s base unit of authentication. It’s a signed collection of claims that can be used in a session or an Authorization header. They’re great, but this post isn’t about them.

I don’t want to get too bogged down in how to create a User resource. This is going to vary for you, but if you want to see an example of setting up a simple User model with email/username using BCrypt you can checkout the one I use in my example application.

This uses a simple email/encrypted password, where the password is hashed with BCrypt (using Comeonin).

So lets assume that you have created a user and you’re ready to get going. Lets get setup.

Installing Guardian


config :joken, config_module: Guardian.JWT

config :guardian, Guardian,
      issuer: "PhoenixGuardian",
      ttl: { 10, :days },
      verify_issuer: true,
      secret_key: "lksdjowiurowieurlkjsdlwwer",
      serializer: PhoenixGuardian.GuardianSerializer


defmodule PhoenixGuardian.Router do
  use PhoenixGuardian.Web, :router

  pipeline :browser_session do
    plug Guardian.Plug.VerifySession
    plug Guardian.Plug.LoadResource

  scope "/", PhoenixGuardian do
    pipe_through [:browser, :browser_session] # Use the default browser stack

    get "/login", SessionController, :new, as: :login
    post "/login", SessionController, :create, as: :login
    delete "/logout", SessionController, :delete, as: :logout
    get "/logout", SessionController, :delete, as: :logout

    resources "/users", UserController

We’ve setup a pipeline for authenticating browser requests (i.e. requests from the session). Note that this will not actually kick anyone from the app, that will come later.

You’ll need a serializer. I put mine in lib/phoenix_guardian/guardian_serializer.ex

defmodule PhoenixGuardian.GuardianSerializer do
  @behaviour Guardian.Serializer

  alias PhoenixGuardian.Repo
  alias PhoenixGuardian.User

  def for_token(user = %User{}), do: { :ok, "User:#{}" }
  def for_token(_), do: { :error, "Unknown resource type" }

  def from_token("User:" <> id), do: { :ok, Repo.get(User, String.to_integer(id)) }
  def from_token(thing), do: { :error, "Unknown resource type" }

The serializer just fetches your resource, or given a resource, it serializes it into the token.

Logging in

We added the SessionController into the routes. This just provides the login form, and handles the result. It is also where the magic happens. Inside this controller, you’re issued a JWT into your session.

defmodule PhoenixGuardian.SessionController do
  use PhoenixGuardian.Web, :controller

  alias PhoenixGuardian.User

  def new(conn, params) do
    changeset = User.login_changeset(%User{})
    render(conn, PhoenixGuardian.SessionView, "new.html", changeset: changeset)

  def create(conn, params = %{}) do
    user =["user"]["email"] || ""))
    if user do
      changeset = User.login_changeset(user, params["user"])
      if changeset.valid? do
        |> put_flash(:info, "Logged in.")
        |> Guardian.Plug.sign_in(user, :token)
        |> redirect(to: user_path(conn, :index))
        render(conn, "new.html", changeset: changeset)
      changeset = User.login_changeset(%User{}) |> Ecto.Changeset.add_error(:login, "not found")
      render(conn, "new.html", changeset: changeset)

  def delete(conn, _params) do
    |> put_flash(:info, "Logged out successfully.")
    |> redirect(to: "/")

There’s a couple of methods, but most of what’s happening is straight forward.

A user lands on the “new” action and we generate a form. We use the User.login_changeset with the form. It’s a simple changeset from the user.ex model:

def login_changeset(model), do: model |> cast(%{}, ~w(), ~w(email password))

def login_changeset(model, params) do
  |> cast(params, ~w(email password), ~w())
  |> validate_password

This will just give us a nice error message and interface for checking the password.

Once the form is posted to the create method, we’ll check the login_changeset and make sure it’s a good email/pass match.

Once there, we do the ‘logging in’ part.

  |> Guardian.Plug.sign_in(user, :token)

This line invokes your serializer, generates your token with an expiry of what you configured (10 days for this example), pushes it into the session and makes it available on the request for further use. The :token option is essentially a label to identify the type of token (used in the :aud field). This can be anything but should be consistent.

Protecting your urls

So, now we have a logged in user, lets protect something.

In the user_controller.ex

defmodule PhoenixGuardian.UserController do
  use PhoenixGuardian.Web, :controller

  alias PhoenixGuardian.User
  alias PhoenixGuardian.SessionController
  alias Guardian.Plug.EnsureAuthenticated

  plug EnsureAuthenticated, %{ on_failure: { SessionController, :new } } when not action in [:new, :create]

  # …

  def edit(conn, params) do
    user = Guardian.Plug.current_resource(conn)
    changeset = User.update_changeset(user)
    render(conn, "edit.html", user: user, changeset: changeset)

  # …

I’ve cut most of it, but you can see in the edit action how we fetch the currently logged in user.

This illustrates a very simple use of Guardian. From here there are a lot of places to go.

There’s a lot of places to go. I want to make sure the road to getting in is a simple as possible.

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